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Roupas (japonês)

Roupas (japonês)



1. Amanda: Aa, Roberta-chan no nekkuresu-wa kirei desu! Doko de kaimashita ka?
1. Amanda: Ah, *seu colar-(tópico) bonito é! De onde comprou (pergunta)? (*Roberta-senhora-de colar) ...
2. Roberta: Depaato-de kaimashita. Shitai desu ka?
2. Roberta: departamento-no comprei. Usar-quer (pergunta)?
3. Amanda: Arigatou!
3. Amanda: Obrigada!
4. Roberta: Itsumo nekkuresu-o shimasu. Buresuretto mo shite, Iyaringu mo kakemasu.
4. Roberta: sempre colar-(objeto) uso. Bracelete também uso, brincos também penduro.
5. Amanda: Sou desu ka? Watashi-wa itsumo boushi-o kaburimasu.
5. Amanda: É mesmo? eu-(tópico) sempre chapeu-(objeto) uso.
6. Roberta: Sou desu, ne? Ashita boushi-o kaburimasu ka? Ame deshou ne?
6. Roberta: De fato, né? Amanhã, chapeu-(objeto) usa/usará-(pergunta)? chuva, provavelmente, né?
7. Amanda: Hontou ni? Samui deshou ka?
7. Amanda: De fato? Frio provavelmente (pergunta)?
8. Roberta: Shirimasen. Terebi-de otenki-no nyuusu-o mimashou ka?
8. Roberta: Sei-não. Televisão-na, clima-do notícia-(objeto) ver-vamos (pergunta)?
9. Amanda: Hai. Aa! Ame desu.
9. Amanda: Sim. Ah, chuva ser/será.
10. Roberta: Sorekara samui desu. Pantsu-o hakimasu.
10. Roberta: Depois frio ser/será. Calça-(objeto) uso/usarei.
11. Amanda: Watashi mo. Sukaato-o hakimasen.
11. Amanda: Eu também. Saia-(objeto) uso-não/usarei-não.
12. Roberta: Seetaa-o kimasu ka? Burausu-o kimasu ka?
12. Roberta: Blusa de frio-(objeto) usa/usará (pergunta)? OU blusinha-(objeto) usa/usará-(pergunta)?
13. Amanda: Eeto ... Seetaa-o mochimasen. Burasu-o kimasu.
13. Amanda: *Hum...blusa de frio-(objeto) tenho-não. blusinha-(objeto) uso/usarei.
*A interjeição "EETO" equivale a "HUM" com o sentido de "deixe-me ver".
*O verbo "MOTSU, MOCHIMASU" significa "TER".
14. Roberta: Sou desu ka? Watashi no Seetaa-o kitai desu ka?
14. Roberta: É mesmo? Minha blusa de frio-(objeto) usar-quer (pergunta)?
15. Amanda: Roberta-chan no Seetaa-o kite mo ii desu ka?
15. Amanda: *Sua blusa de frio-(objeto) usando também bom é (pergunta)?
16. Roberta: Mochiron!
16. Roberta: É claro!
17. Amanda: Arigatou! Roberta chan-wa ichiban-suki-na tomodachi desu. Demo, nani-o kimasu ka?
17. Amanda: Obrigada! Roberta-senhora-(tópico) *preferida amiga é. Mas, o que-(objeto) usa/usará (pergunta)?
*"ichiban-suki-na" significa, literalmente, "primeiro-gosto", mas é traduzido como "preferido".
18. Roberta: Watashi no aoi burausu o kimasu.
18. Roberta: Minha azul blusinha-(objeto) uso/usarei.








Head: Kaburu; hats

Upper body: Kiru (type-ru verb); this includes shirts, dresses, jackets, etc.
Lower body: Haku; this includes pants, skirts, socks, shoes, etc.
Accessories: Suru; ties, belts, watches, necklaces, etc.
Glasses: Kakeru


vestir (da cintura até o pescoço) → kiru, kimasu / kita, kimashita / kite
vestir (da cintura até os pés) → haku, hakimasu / haita, hakimashita / haite
pôr, colocar (da cintura até o pescoço) → kiru, kimasu / kita, kimashita / kite
pôr, colocar (da cintura até os pés) → haku, hakimasu / haita, hakimashita / haite
tirar (dos pés até o pescoço) → nugu, nugimasu / nuida, nugimashita / nuide
There are many Japanese verbs corresponding with "to wear" and "to put on."
Kaburu is for a hat and a cap,
kiru is for clothes covering from the waist to the neck such as a jacket or a sweater,
haku is for clothes covering below the waist such as pants or shoes,
tsukeru is for things to put on one's body such as earrings and necklaces and suru is for a necktie.
In Japanese there are lots of verbs for "wear" and "put on" depending on which part of your body you are putting them on.

Kiru- shirts, dresses, robes, jackets, anything upper body or around the shoulders
Haku- lower body, pants, skirts, shoes, socks

There are others though
Kaburu- hats or anything on your head
Tsukeru-Jewelry or accesories
Kakeru- glasses or sunglasses

There are also different words for taking them off:
> Upper body: Nugu
> Lower body: Nugu
> Head: Nugu -or- toru
> Accessories: toru -or- hazusu
> Glasses: toru -or- hazusu

Heh, that reminds me... it's important to note that haku is LOW-HIGH in tone. Important because one meaning of haku (HIGH-LOW) "to throw up." ("Ahh, I see you're throwing up new shoes!")


yoofuku o kirunuguto put on / to take off (clothes)

kooto o kirunuguto put on / to take off (coat)
zubon o hakunuguto put on / to take off (pants)
kutsu o hakunuguto put on / to take off (shoes)
booshi o kaburutoruto put on / to take off (a hat, cap)
nekutai o surutoruto wear / to take off (a tie)
megane o kakeruhazusuto wear / to take off (glasses)
iyaringu o tsukeruhazusuto put on / to take off (earrings)
tokei o hameru, surutoruto wear / to take off (a watch)


Mary wa bura o kita (Mary put on her bra)
Mary wa bura o nuida (Mary took of her bra)

Mary wa pantsu o haita (Mary put on her panties)
Mary wa pantsu o nuida (Mary took off her panties)

John wa pantsu o haita (John put on his underpants)
John wa pantsu o nuida (John took off his underpants)


yoofuku clothes
wafuku Japanese clothes
kimono kimono
yukata informal cotton kimono
uwagi outerwear
shitagi underwear
pantsu underpants
shootsu shorts
zubon slacks, pants
sukaato skirt
nekutai necktie
shatsu undershirt
wai-shatsu white shirt, dress shirt
T-shatsu tee shirt, T-shirt
kutsushita socks
sutokkingu stockings
eri collar, neck
sode sleeve, arm
naga-sode long sleeves
han-sode short-sleeved
poketto pocket
seetaa sweater
surakkusu slacks
suutsu suit
wanpiisu (one-piece) dress
jaketto jacket
kooto coat, overcoat
rein-kooto raincoat
tebukuro gloves
hooseki jewelry
yubiwa ring
nekkuresu necklace
iyaringu earring
sangurasu sunglasses
nemaki nightwear
pajama pajamas
kutsu shoes
haihiiru high heels
suniikaa sneakers
sandaru sandals
beruto belt
botan button
fasunaa fastener, zipper
booshi hat, cap
megane glasses
kontakuto renzu contact lenses
natsu-mono summer clothes
fuyu-mono winter clothes
iro color
hoka no iro another color
dezain design
niau to suit, to look nice
hade showy
jimi simple, sober
saizu size
saizu ga au to fit one
ooki sugiru too big
chiisa sugiru too small
naga sugiru too long
mijika sugiru too short
nagaku suru to lengthen
mijikaku suru to shorten
suso hem, bottom
take length
take o tsumeru to cut short
nuu to sew
amu to knit
kiru (kirimasu) to cut
kiru (kimasu) to wear
(kooto ga) yogoreru to get dirty
(zubon ga) yabukeru to be torn
(botan ga) toreru to come off
(yoofuku o) arau to wash
sentaku (suru) (to) wash clothes
kawakasu to dry
nureru to get wet
shimi ga tsuku to be stained
ana ga aku to get a hole
There are many Japanese verbs corresponding with "to wear" and "to put on."
Kaburu is for a hat and a cap,
kiru is for clothes covering from the waist to the neck such as a jacket or a sweater,
haku is for clothes covering below the waist such as pants or shoes,
tsukeru is for things to put on one's body such as earrings and necklaces and suru is for a necktie.

yoofuku o kirunuguto put on / to take off (clothes)

kooto o kirunuguto put on / to take off (coat)
zubon o hakunuguto put on / to take off (pants)
kutsu o hakunuguto put on / to take off (shoes)
booshi o kaburutoruto put on / to take off (a hat, cap)
nekutai o surutoruto wear / to take off (a tie)
megane o kakeruhazusuto wear / to take off (glasses)
iyaringu o tsukeruhazusuto put on / to take off (earrings)
tokei o hameru, surutoruto wear / to take off (a watch)
LISTEN 1. Katoo-san wa suutsu o kite imasu.
Katoo is wearing a suit.
LISTEN 2. Satoo-san wa kyoo akai sukaato o haite imasu.
Sato is wearing a red skirt.
LISTEN 3. Yamada-san wa kooto o nugimashita.
Yamada took off his coat.
LISTEN 4. Zubon ni ana ga aite imasu.
There is a hole in the pants.
LISTEN 5. Futotta kara, jiinzu ga hakenai.
I gained weight, so I cannot wear jeans.
LISTEN 6. Suimasen. Take o tsumete kudasai.
Excuse me. Please make the length shorter.
LISTEN 7. Uesuto o 2-senchi tsumete kudasai.
Please make the waist shorter by 2 cm.
LISTEN 8. Sono nekutai wa niawanai.
That necktie does not suit you.
LISTEN 9. Keiko : Kono wanpiisu, doo?
  Yooko : Chotto hade da to omou.
Keiko : How about this (one-piece) dress?
Yooko : It is a little showy.
LISTEN 10. Kanda : Kono baggu, doo?
  Koike : Ii iro da kedo, niawanai.
Kanda : How about this bag?
Koike : Its color is good, but it doesn't look good on you.